Pet Corrector
The Pet Corrector™ by Company of Animals will help you turn your hyperactive, loud, possibly aggressive and seemingly uncontrollable dogs into well-behaved ladies and gentle pups. While this spray is not a substitute for long-term positive reinforcement training, some unwanted behaviors are serious and need to be stopped immediately. That's where this spray comes in.
It's simply a hiss of compressed gas (HFC 134a), which is completely safe for animals. This produces a broad spectrum white-noise sound that registers as a danger sound to a dog, like that of a hissing snake. You control the blast of air, so you can respond to the bad behavior immediately.
Using the spray interrupts your dog's unwanted behavior and grabs his attention. This gets him focused on you and looking to you for guidance, which is crucial for training! Once your pet has ceased the unwanted behavior, reward him immediately, especially if he’s performing a positive behavior.
Pet Corrector™ can be used to deter barking, jumping up, stealing food, chasing, and encourages avoidance of places where pets are not allowed, like counters and couches. It can also be used to deter cats from scratching up the furniture.
A free training guide is included so you can empower yourself to use this training tool responsibly. Read ALL instructions and tips before use!
How to Use
Read all of the instructions that come with the Pet Corrector before use.
Always spray AWAY from your pet's face, never towards!
Only use the Pet Corrector to interrupt a serious misdemeanor!
Timing is crucial- only use the Pet Corrector while the misbehavior is occurring. Reward your pet immediately when the misbehavior has ceased, ideally when he is performing a positive behavior.
You know your pet best; use responsibly, discontinue use on pets who exhibit excessive fear or aggression as a reaction to the spray. Do not use on pets who are already very fearful of loud or unexpected noises.
Work on correcting one behavior at a time!