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5 Boredom Busters your dogs haven't tried yet

5 Boredom Busters your dogs haven't tried yet

You did it! You finally got through a Zoom call without your dog barking in the background, all thanks to their brand-new chew! So now what? You’ve got two options: assume your pup is going to be entertained for the rest of their life with that same chew or plan ahead!   

You’ve most likely heard us talk about rotational feeding—and with any luck, you do it, too! If you’re unfamiliar, it’s when you rotate protein in your pet’s diet, so one night they have turkey, the next they have beef, and so on. By always having something different, it keeps their bowls from getting boring AND keeps them healthy.    

All of you rotational feeders are probably one step ahead of us already: have a variety of entertainment options available to your dog so you aren’t scrambling to find something new every time they polish off their favorite treat or chew! So, for all you Pet Parents who have tried every single Boredom Buster, we present to you a list of things you (probably) haven’t tried yet:   

Put Your Dog’s Nose to the Test   

This is a great activity for your fur-kids AND your human kids to do together. Get your pet’s favorite treat—preferably one with an irresistible scent to it like Beef Liver Meat Bites by Raised Right—and have your dog smell it in your kids’ hands. Tell your dog to stay and hide the treat in a different room somewhere, making sure to brush it across various surfaces to give your pup a scent trail to follow. Once it’s hidden, let your dog loose and set a timer to see how long it takes them to find it!   

The Freezer is Your Friend   

Frozen peanut butter lasts way longer than when it’s straight out of the container, and tastes a lot yummier when it’s covering a brand-new chew! Our all-natural trachea chews are perfect for pairing with spreadable treats! Try stuffing the inside with pumpkin puree and coating the outside with peanut butter before sticking it in the freezer to create a healthy, long-lasting DIY snack.   


Knowledge is Power   

Think your dog is smart? Get them a puzzle toy! There are so many different types that even if your pup is a seasoned puzzle-toy expert, you’ll still be able to find something new for them with ease! If your pooch is new to puzzle toys, we suggest starting with an IQ Ball, perfect for dogs of any skill level. If you think your dog is ready to move up a notch, give our Doggy Sudoku or Fortune Wheel a try.  


Give Them Somewhere Comfy to Lounge    

We know your entire house is actually your pet’s palace, but if it has been a while since they’ve had a bed upgrade, now is the time to do it! Giving your dog their own private, super comfy space to hang out in is a great way to encourage them to stay in one spot while you’re trying to get some work done. Beds can also help in the long-run since they help ease stress on your dog’s joints as compared to just napping on a hard surface.    

Give in to the Puppy Dog Eyes   

Studies show that you’re supposed to take short breaks every hour when it comes to working at a desk or on the computer, but many of us tend to forget and ignore our body when it tells us it’s time to stretch our legs! The suggested amount is 5 – 15 minutes every hour or so, and what better way to spend it than by giving your dog a few extra belly rubs? With warmer weather on the horizon, we suggest getting a new fetch toy to toss around while you breathe in the fresh air—you’ll be surprised how much your work day (and your dog’s day) improves if you get into this simple habit!   

Remember, the trick is to keep as much variation in your pet’s entertainment as possible, that way they stay interested in your stash of Boredom Busters for longer. If you find that something works, don’t let them wear it out! Instead, add it to their rotation to make every day a surprise for them, and every Zoom call peaceful for you.   

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